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dissabte, 1 de desembre del 2012
divendres, 30 de novembre del 2012
Dr. Jekyll's confession
Dr. Jekyll explains in the letter why he had invented the potion. He says that he wanted to separate good from evil and he experiment whit itself.
When he found the right ingredients, suffered a transformation and he converts in Mr. Hyde.
Over time they became involuntary transformations and could not control them.
After the murder of Sir Carew, Dr. Jekyll tried to avoid becoming Mr. Hyde but he failed.
One day, when he being in the street, he turned into Mr. Hyde. He tought to write to Dr. Lanyon for help and instructing him to his home for took the necessary ingredients to make the potion. Dr. Lanyon follow his instruccions anda Mr. Hyde transformed in Dr. Jekyll infront of him. Dr. Lanyon disapproving the experiment and never wanted to know nothing more about Dr. Jekyll.
After that Dr. Jekyll shut himself up in his laboratory.
When Dr. Jekyll turned into Mr. Hyde in the last time, decides to suicide because it is the only way to end this miserable life.
dijous, 29 de novembre del 2012
Doctor Lanyon's letter
Mr. Utterson began to read the letter from Dr. Lanyon, who said that one day, when he was at home, he received a letter from Henry Jekyll important asking a favor: which was to go Jekyll's home and take a drawer. He had to take home that drawer.
Later, he receive a visit from a man who named Hyde. Going into the house, grabbed the drawer and told Dr. Lanyon to observe.
Mr. Hyde mixed ingredients pulled from that box into a glass, drinking this mixture. Then he started screaming and deformed. Dr. Lanyon watched everything scared and was terrified to see that in his room was no longer Edward Hyde, but was Dr. Jekyll, which made him promise not going to tell anyone what happened.
acuteness: agudesa
disparity: disparitat
ebullition: ebullició
farrago: farda
hansom: cotxe de punt
incredulous: incrèdul
parley: parlamentar
prodigy: prodigi
volatile: volàtil
Mr. Utterson began to read the letter from Dr. Lanyon, who said that one day, when he was at home, he received a letter from Henry Jekyll important asking a favor: which was to go Jekyll's home and take a drawer. He had to take home that drawer.
Later, he receive a visit from a man who named Hyde. Going into the house, grabbed the drawer and told Dr. Lanyon to observe.
Mr. Hyde mixed ingredients pulled from that box into a glass, drinking this mixture. Then he started screaming and deformed. Dr. Lanyon watched everything scared and was terrified to see that in his room was no longer Edward Hyde, but was Dr. Jekyll, which made him promise not going to tell anyone what happened.
acuteness: agudesa
disparity: disparitat
ebullition: ebullició
farrago: farda
hansom: cotxe de punt
incredulous: incrèdul
parley: parlamentar
prodigy: prodigi
volatile: volàtil
The last night
Poole needs the help of Mr. Utterson.
Poole says that in the dissecting room of the house of Dr. Jekyll there are another person that not be the Dr. He responds to the voice of another man.
They enter the room and find that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the same person and he is dead.
On the table there are a letter written by Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Utterson. This contained a will stating heir to Mr. Utterson. It also said Mr. Utterson should first read the letter that Dr. Lanyon wrote and then opened another letter that was into the first letter.
annotated: anotat
baize: baieta
blasphemies: blasfèmies
diaphanous: diàfan
doggedly: obstinadament
draughts: corrents d'aire
mottled: clapejat
peevishly: malhumorat
cud: remuga
Poole needs the help of Mr. Utterson.
Poole says that in the dissecting room of the house of Dr. Jekyll there are another person that not be the Dr. He responds to the voice of another man.
They enter the room and find that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the same person and he is dead.
On the table there are a letter written by Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Utterson. This contained a will stating heir to Mr. Utterson. It also said Mr. Utterson should first read the letter that Dr. Lanyon wrote and then opened another letter that was into the first letter.
annotated: anotat
baize: baieta
blasphemies: blasfèmies
diaphanous: diàfan
doggedly: obstinadament
draughts: corrents d'aire
mottled: clapejat
peevishly: malhumorat
cud: remuga
The face at the window
Mr. Urtterson and Mr. Enfield were walking andand passed in front of Dr. Jekyll's house.
Seeing that he was looking out a window, called him and inviting him to go with them.
Dr. Jekyll, who looked very tired, thanked them for the invitation, but said he preferred to talk to them from there. After a while of chatting, suddenly, the affable doctor's face became an unpleasant sight, violently closing the sale.
disconsolate: desconsolat
mien: port
traversed: recorregut
Mr. Urtterson and Mr. Enfield were walking andand passed in front of Dr. Jekyll's house.
Seeing that he was looking out a window, called him and inviting him to go with them.
Dr. Jekyll, who looked very tired, thanked them for the invitation, but said he preferred to talk to them from there. After a while of chatting, suddenly, the affable doctor's face became an unpleasant sight, violently closing the sale.
disconsolate: desconsolat
mien: port
traversed: recorregut
The death of a friend
Dr. Jekyll celebrate dinners at home with friends and used to invite Mr. Utterson. One day, Jekyll began to isolate themselves again. Utterson is just learning that Dr. Lanyon and Dr.Jekyll get along very badly, but does not know why.
Some time later Dr. Lanyon dies.
Mr. Utterson has a letter that it content can only be read by Mr. Utterson, and in the latter case that he died before, the letter had to be destroyed. Inside it, was another letter in which said that was not opened until the death or disappearance of Henry Jekyll.
amities: amaties
inscrutable: inescrutable
stringent: rigorós
unmanning: retirada de forces
Dr. Lanyon: doctor who is a good friend of Mr. Utterson. He knows the secret of Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll celebrate dinners at home with friends and used to invite Mr. Utterson. One day, Jekyll began to isolate themselves again. Utterson is just learning that Dr. Lanyon and Dr.Jekyll get along very badly, but does not know why.
Some time later Dr. Lanyon dies.
Mr. Utterson has a letter that it content can only be read by Mr. Utterson, and in the latter case that he died before, the letter had to be destroyed. Inside it, was another letter in which said that was not opened until the death or disappearance of Henry Jekyll.
amities: amaties
inscrutable: inescrutable
stringent: rigorós
unmanning: retirada de forces
Dr. Lanyon: doctor who is a good friend of Mr. Utterson. He knows the secret of Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll recieves a letter
Mr. Utterson goes to see Dr. Jekyll at his home. Jekyll explains to Utterson that he won't talk with Hyde anymore because he has leave the house. To stay calm Utterson, Jekyll teaches him a letter represents that was written for Mr. Hyde in which it says that leave.
Mr. Utterson tells the story to one of his friend and teaches him the letter. He saw this letter and sees that Hyde's letter was the same as letter of Jekyll's invitation to dinner with friends.
In conclusion, the letter he had written to Dr. Jekyll.
cupola: cúpula
eddy: jacuzzi
gaunt: prim
qualm: objecció
ruminated: rumiant
sedulously: diligentment
Mr. Utterson goes to see Dr. Jekyll at his home. Jekyll explains to Utterson that he won't talk with Hyde anymore because he has leave the house. To stay calm Utterson, Jekyll teaches him a letter represents that was written for Mr. Hyde in which it says that leave.
Mr. Utterson tells the story to one of his friend and teaches him the letter. He saw this letter and sees that Hyde's letter was the same as letter of Jekyll's invitation to dinner with friends.
In conclusion, the letter he had written to Dr. Jekyll.
cupola: cúpula
eddy: jacuzzi
gaunt: prim
qualm: objecció
ruminated: rumiant
sedulously: diligentment
The Carew murder
After a year, occurred the murder of Mr. Danvers Carew.
A woman from the window of his room saw two men, one old and one young, talking on the night. Suddenly, the young man began to hit the old man and his stick broke doing it.
When police visited the scene found a letter addressed to Mr. Utterson. He accompanies the police to Hyde's house.
When they entered the house and was not even Hyde, Mr. Utterson recognized that many of the furniture we had were of Dr. Jekyll. In addition, they found the half bat of the murder. The police put a sign "Wanted" throughout the city.
abominable: abominable
blatant: evident
contrived: artificial
cronies: companys
fortnight: quinzena
incoherency: incoherència
unobtrusive: discret
Mr. Danvers Carew: character who killed by Mr. Hyde.
After a year, occurred the murder of Mr. Danvers Carew.
A woman from the window of his room saw two men, one old and one young, talking on the night. Suddenly, the young man began to hit the old man and his stick broke doing it.
When police visited the scene found a letter addressed to Mr. Utterson. He accompanies the police to Hyde's house.
When they entered the house and was not even Hyde, Mr. Utterson recognized that many of the furniture we had were of Dr. Jekyll. In addition, they found the half bat of the murder. The police put a sign "Wanted" throughout the city.
abominable: abominable
blatant: evident
contrived: artificial
cronies: companys
fortnight: quinzena
incoherency: incoherència
unobtrusive: discret
Mr. Danvers Carew: character who killed by Mr. Hyde.
In search of Mr Hyde
Mr Utterson wanted to know more about Mr Hyde. Everyday for five weeks stay in front of the mystery door. One day, Hyde appears and Utterson asks him for Doctor Jekyll and he doesn't wants to talk about this because he thinks that Utterson is lying. A period of two weeks later, Dr Jekyll gave a dinner party, and Mr Utterson was among the guests, he go to speak with him about his will and his friend Mr Hyde, later Doctor Jeckyll makes that Utterson promises that If anything happens to Jekyll, Mr Hide inherits his money.
apace: rapidament
conveyancing: traspàs
geniality: genialitat
inordinate: desordenat
stealthily: sigilosament
troglodytic: troglodita
Mr Utterson wanted to know more about Mr Hyde. Everyday for five weeks stay in front of the mystery door. One day, Hyde appears and Utterson asks him for Doctor Jekyll and he doesn't wants to talk about this because he thinks that Utterson is lying. A period of two weeks later, Dr Jekyll gave a dinner party, and Mr Utterson was among the guests, he go to speak with him about his will and his friend Mr Hyde, later Doctor Jeckyll makes that Utterson promises that If anything happens to Jekyll, Mr Hide inherits his money.
apace: rapidament
conveyancing: traspàs
geniality: genialitat
inordinate: desordenat
stealthily: sigilosament
troglodytic: troglodita
diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012
The mysterious door
Mr Utterson is a lawyer that sames a cold man but he ever helps people. He considered his best friends: his family and people who be for a long time in his life. One day, he was walking with his friend, Mr. Richard Enfield, when they saw a very old house. They were talking about this house and Enfield tells a story to the lawyer. He explains that one day, he was walking near than the old house and saw a man trampled to a girl of about 9 or 10 years. The girl's father seeks compensation of £ 100 to Hyde, the men that walking the girld, and he gives it without complaint. Mr Utterson knows the person who signed the check, is his friend and called Harry Jekyll. Utterson attaches great importance to the key that Hyde opens the door of old house and asks his friend if he really opened it with a key.
lawyer: advocat
countenance: tolerar
wondering: preguntant
envy: envejar
acquaintance: conegut
chambers: càmeres
demeanour: comportament
pitching: capcineigs
crewed: roscat
payable: pagador
bearer: portador
cheque: xec
chimney: xemeneia
sighed: va sospirar
deeply: profundament
ashamed: avergonyit
sullenness: rudesa
MR. Utterson: was a lawyer. A man of a rugged countenance
that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed
in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet
somehow lovable. Is a very good friend with his friends and always helps.
Mr. Richard Enfield: It's cousin and a good friend of Mr Utterson. Always walk together. The whole town knows him and say that he is very good person and very friendly, unlike his cousin.
Hyde: He is a small man, unsightly, seems that with burns to the face, evil with a very cold character. This chapter suggests that lives in the old house.
Harry Jekyll: is a doctor, friend of Utterson by profession, is good and kind and apparently also has a very good relationship with Hyde.
Mr Utterson is a lawyer that sames a cold man but he ever helps people. He considered his best friends: his family and people who be for a long time in his life. One day, he was walking with his friend, Mr. Richard Enfield, when they saw a very old house. They were talking about this house and Enfield tells a story to the lawyer. He explains that one day, he was walking near than the old house and saw a man trampled to a girl of about 9 or 10 years. The girl's father seeks compensation of £ 100 to Hyde, the men that walking the girld, and he gives it without complaint. Mr Utterson knows the person who signed the check, is his friend and called Harry Jekyll. Utterson attaches great importance to the key that Hyde opens the door of old house and asks his friend if he really opened it with a key.
lawyer: advocat
countenance: tolerar
wondering: preguntant
envy: envejar
acquaintance: conegut
chambers: càmeres
demeanour: comportament
pitching: capcineigs
crewed: roscat
payable: pagador
bearer: portador
cheque: xec
chimney: xemeneia
sighed: va sospirar
deeply: profundament
ashamed: avergonyit
sullenness: rudesa
MR. Utterson: was a lawyer. A man of a rugged countenance
that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed
in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet
somehow lovable. Is a very good friend with his friends and always helps.
Hyde: He is a small man, unsightly, seems that with burns to the face, evil with a very cold character. This chapter suggests that lives in the old house.
Harry Jekyll: is a doctor, friend of Utterson by profession, is good and kind and apparently also has a very good relationship with Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde
This is the first book that I will read during this course. I think that it is about a murder. It's probably that be a book of suspense.
Information about the author:
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Information about the author:
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)