diumenge, 3 de març del 2013
Chapter 13: A Sister’s Promise
Because the “lucky coin” have heads in both sides and that’s why he said that, always we need to trust in yourselves.
2. Does the story have a happy end? Explain your answer.
I think that this history ending very good because Ram at finally could marry with Nita. In my opinion he’s a really lucky boy because after all he could arrive at final from the quiz show and take revenge that was his real objective.
Chapter 12: The Last Question
The real reason why he went to the TV show was to revenge what the presenter, Prem Kumar, had done to Nita.
2. Why did Ram choose the answer A?
Because his lucky coin told him to.
3. What was Smita’s secret?
That she is Gudiya. She become a lawyer to help the less affortunated.
Chapter 11: Look after your Buttons
1. Do you think Prakash Rao was right in giving his wife all what she wished?
He was in love with Julie and I think that is normal that he gave her all that she wants but all have limits and Prakash arrived at limit.
He was in love with Julie and I think that is normal that he gave her all that she wants but all have limits and Prakash arrived at limit.
2. Is that a reason to steal and betray your ownn family?
In my opinion the family is the first and Prakash do all bad, he could ask first money or tries to get new job.
3. What is voodoo and in which country do people usually practice it?
Voodoo is a religion in Haiti, people who practise voodoo can do all kinds of strange thinks, it’s a kind of magic.
4. How did she make vodoo to Prakash Rao’s brother?
She took a button from Prakash Rao’s brother from one of his unwashed shirts and some of his hair.
Chapter 10: At home with a killer
1. Explain how Salim became a junior actor.
He had to make a living, so he find job as a servant. He started to work for a manager, the man whose work is to make junior actors stars. The manger told him that if he gave him some photos he could send them to the principal director.
2. Would you betray someone who has saved your life if you know he’s a criminal?
No. If he's save my life that's the thing I consider.
3. Why do you think Thomas didn’t tell Salim about the quiz show?
Maybe he didn't want to take it for granted that he would achieve a billion rupees, so when he winthem he would tell him.
Chapter 9: A Love Story
Ram and Nita couldn’t get married because Nita’s father are going to married Nita with another man, she is engaged with a rich man but she don’t love him she loves Ram.
2.Nita is engaged to a rich and successful man who will pay her family 40,000 rupees. Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea?
I think it's horrible to marriage with a person that you don’t love.
3. Why do you think Swapna Devi said this about his son: “perhaps death will be the best thing for him”
Because he’s not a normal boy and his mother, Swapna Devi is ashamed of her son.
4. In this chapter we see Thomas is really generous. Why?
Because the man who asked Ram for money to cure his son, Ram thought about his friend who just died and he didn’t want the same end for this child if he can’t pay for Nita’s freedom at least could make a good action for another person.
5. Why is this chapter particularly important?
Because Ram decided to participate in “Who wants to be a billionaire?” to win money and pay for Nita’s freedom and cure her and get married with her.
6. How was the man of the hospital able to pay Thomas back?
The man who wants to cure his son and Thomas gave him the money. At the end of the chapter we could see that in the quiz show Ram didn’t know the question and called that man to return his favor.
Chapter 8: Murder on a Train
He referred to the money. We said he had taken 52.000 rupees from Coronel Taylor's house, and when he was on the train back to Mumbai to meet with Salim, a robber tried to take that money from him.
2. Thomas is thinking about the Police and asks himself: “Would the Police tell me that I was a hero for killing a robber? Or would they call me a killer who had shot a man dead without even knowing his name?”. Why does he think this? What do you think the Police would tell him?
He's obviously thinking about that because the Police not always have the reason, and less in murder matters. I think that the Police would arrest him, because despite the fact that the man he killed was a robber, he was a person, so he shouldn't have killed him.
Chapter 7: How to speak Australian
I think that it was Ram because the inspector says “One of your Australians phoned me this morning, Sir. He spoke like an Australian” and Ram knows how to speak english after all he learnt from Colonel and his family.
2. Why was Thomas different from the other servants that Colonel Taylor had had?
Because Ram was the only that never lies Colonel Taylor or try to stole him, he was a good servant, totally different from the others.
3. Now Thomas has 52,000 rupees. What will he do? How will he spend them?
He wants to see Salim in Mumbai. In my opinion he I think that he wants to spend that rupees in the travel and try to start a new live with Salim, live and work together.
4.Where did he get all this Money from?
He take that from his salary and he had saving some of this money.
Chapter 6: A Brother’s Promise
Yes because she needed him as the brother she had never had and Ram need to protect her because she hadn't anyone to be her hero.
2. Will the Police find him and arrest him for the murder?
No, only Gudiya knew who was the murder but she looked like a brother the killer of her father.
3. Will see ever see his brother and Gudiya again?
Yes, Smita, the lawyer of Ram was Gudiya and she wanted to see if he was telling the truth. He also promised her that they would see eachother in the future.
4. Would you interfere if you knew your neighbour is beating his wife and daughter?
It would depend on my relationship with my neighbours but in any case I would talk with the mistreated wife and daughter and tell the police if the things went worse.
Chapter 5: A soldier’s story
1. He talks about a war. When was it and which countries were fighting each other? Why?
It was a war between India and Pakistan. It was on 1971 and they fighted because Pakistan wanted to conquer India. It was a small war because it only lasted 13 days.
2. How did the old soldier’s stories help Ram with the answer to the next quiz question?
That question helped Ram getting fifty thousand rupees.
Chapter 4: Tragedy Queen
1. Ram knew Neelima’s lover face although he couldn’t remember exactly where from. Who do you think it was? Where might he have seen him before?
Neelima's lover was Prem Kumar that's why Ram knew his face. He was also the man that was engaged with Nita. He will have seen him in the orphanage or at Maman's house.
2. Neelima says about her lover: “sometimes I think that he loves me. Sometimes I think that he hates me”. Why does she say this?
Because this man abused of her and mistreated her. He had hit her sometimes but she was in love with this man.
3. In your opinion, why men mistreat women? Why is Neelima mistreated?
They feel that they are stronger than girls and feel like they have all the power. For them, women need to obey them and do everything they want that's why Neelima was mistreated, because her man thought he was greater than her.
4. What happened to Neelima in the end? Name three true celebrities who died the same way.
One evening, Ram found her on the bed. She was dead with her award for the Best Actress.
-Rihanna: She is not dead but she was mistreated for her boyfriend Chris Brown.
-Tina Turner: she was mistreated for Ike Turner, her husband but she is not dead.
-Halle Berry: she is one of the most beautiful actress and she also was mistreated for her boyfriend.
Chapter 3: A Home for the disabled
1. How did Ram and Salim meet?
Salim arrived at Delhi Children’s Home for Boys where Ram was after Father Timothy died. Salim was roommate’s Ram and they became good friends.
2. Why did they like each other?
Because both of them were orphans, with no hope of finding a family. For another hand, they loved watch films so they became good friends.
3. What was the Delhi’s Children home like?
Ram described the Children home like that “ It was crowned, noisy and dirty. The classrooms had broken desks and the teachers had not taught for years”. They eat in a room with long wooden tables. The warder was Mr. Agnihotri, a kind old man.
4. Why and how did they escape?
Salim listened a conversation between Sethji and Poonose saying that they are going to blind Ram so Salim hurry up to told him and then they escaped in train.
5. Where are they planning to go?
They took the train to Juhul where Neelima Kumari was and try to get a job in her hause like a servants because they know that she could protect them.
6. How are they going to survive there?
Ram became Neelima Kumari’s servant and she pay him for that and gave him an apartment where he and Salim lived.
Chapter 2: Father Timothy
1. Father Timothy gave the orphan three names. How would these names help the boy?
Because Father Timothy believes that when people of all religions listen his name will be happy to meet him.
2. Find out about the wars between India and Pakistan and answer: In your opinion, why did Father Timothy give him these three names?
I think that the Father Timothy believes that no one can hurts Ram because he didn’t reciprocated in specific religion, he was three of them.
3. How did Ram spend his childhood?
He was learning about different religions in the church with Father Timothy and he learnt about the difference between Father (which is what people call their priest) and a father of children in a family.
4. How different was Ram Mohamed Thomas’ childhood from yours?
His childhood was too hard, he grown up with strangers without his real parents and when he was thought that he had a real father he died. And my childhood was so happy, with all my family around me and gave me all what I want.
5. In your opinion, what is going to happen to Ram after Father Timothy’s death?
It’s probably that Ram be brought back to orphanage because he only had Father Timothy.
Chapter 1: Cheat!
1.Why was Ram surprised to see Smita?
Because she introduced herself as his lawyer but he had never seen her before and after all, she saves him.
2.In your opinion, who sent Smita? How did she know about his arrest?
I think that Smita see the show and she want save her friend. I don't know why she known about the arrest but it's probably that he doesn't appear after the show and she feels like something was wrong.About...
Vikas Swarup got the idea for Slumdog Millionaire after watching the popular TV show Who wants to be a millionaire?
This program is an international television game show franchise of British origin, created in 1998 by David Briggs, Mike Whitehill, and Steven Knight.
Vikas Swarup got the idea for Slumdog Millionaire after watching the popular TV show Who wants to be a millionaire?
Ram is from the Hindu Religion, Mohammad from the muslim religion and Thomas from Christianity.
Ram is a young boy who was born in Delhi but he grows up in the slums of Mumbai (Bombay) one of the biggest cities in the world.
Who was Surdas?
Surdas was a saint, poet and musician. He couldn’t see and left his family at the age of six and followed a group of singers. He was a very religious man and wrote one hundred thousand poems, thought only around eight thousand can be found today.
What is the connection between Surdas and the main character?
When Mamman catch Salim and Ram, he gave them singer’s lessons, and his favorite song was Surdas because it’s considerate the song of people that can’t see so his plans were made Ram like that for win more money.
What is the historical background? What war appears in the story?
The historical building is The Taj Mahal. That building is relacionated with the book because it appears when Ram fall in love with Nita, who Ram’s met when he was worked like guide.
What is the story behind Taj Mahal?
The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shahjahan. It was started built in 1631 and took twenty-two years. That Emperor had fallen in love with beautiful women who was called Mumtaz Mahal “The chosen one”. They married and had fourteen children. She died while giving birth to the last child in 1631. Before that, the Emperor promised to built the most beautiful palace in the world for her and the result was The Taj Mahal. At least I leave images from this palace.
The author
The writer of Slumdog Millionaire is Vikas Swarup who was born in Allahabad (India).
He studied in Allahabad Boys' High School and College. After that he decided study psychology, history and philosophy at Allahabad University and in 1986 he joined the Indian Foreign Service.
Vikas Swarup worked for differents countrys like USA, Turkey, Ethiopia and others and in 2009 he became Consul General of India in Osaka,Japan.
The original tittle of Slumdog Millionaire was Q and A but he changed the name after the film that was made about his book. Slumdog Millionaire was his first book.
The fame of this book increased when a film was made about that. This film won 8 oscars.
After the fame of his book Slumdog Millionaire he writed another book called : Six suspects.
He studied in Allahabad Boys' High School and College. After that he decided study psychology, history and philosophy at Allahabad University and in 1986 he joined the Indian Foreign Service.
Vikas Swarup worked for differents countrys like USA, Turkey, Ethiopia and others and in 2009 he became Consul General of India in Osaka,Japan.
The original tittle of Slumdog Millionaire was Q and A but he changed the name after the film that was made about his book. Slumdog Millionaire was his first book.
The fame of this book increased when a film was made about that. This film won 8 oscars.
After the fame of his book Slumdog Millionaire he writed another book called : Six suspects.
Slumdog Millionaire
The next book is: Who wants to be a billionaire?. This book is about one man that goes to one program TV and win the show.
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