diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

Chapter 3: A Home for the disabled

1. How did Ram and Salim meet?
Salim arrived at Delhi Children’s Home for Boys where Ram was after Father Timothy died. Salim was roommate’s Ram and they became good friends.

2. Why did they like each other?
Because both of them were orphans, with no hope of finding a family. For another hand, they loved watch films so they became good friends.

3. What was the Delhi’s Children home like?
Ram described the Children home like that “ It was crowned, noisy and dirty. The classrooms had broken desks and the teachers had not taught for years”. They eat in a room with long wooden tables. The warder was Mr. Agnihotri, a kind old man.

4. Why and how did they escape?
Salim listened a conversation between Sethji and Poonose saying that they are going to blind Ram so Salim hurry up to told him and then they escaped in train.

5. Where are they planning to go?
They took the train to Juhul where Neelima Kumari was and try to get a job in her hause like a servants because they know that she could protect them.

6. How are they going to survive there?
Ram became Neelima Kumari’s servant and she pay him for that and gave him an apartment where he and Salim lived.

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